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Treasure Hunt Puzzles

Treasure Hunt Puzzles

Treasure Hunt Puzzles

Treasure Hunt Riddles

Here are a collection of mind bending puzzles for you to get your head around – see if you can solve them all.

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Here are 25 original and very difficult riddles for you to try to crack.

The most that anyone has ever managed to solve is currently 23 out of 25 (MB!).

You won’t be able to search the puzzle answers online so you are on your own!

Also, take a look at ideas for Treasure Hunt Clues, or Themes or Riddles or Maps.


22 responses to “Treasure Hunt Puzzles”

  1. Neha Avatar

    Answers pleeaheeeezzz…

  2. Sruthi Avatar

    Plz send me the answers

  3. Kylene Avatar

    Can you please send me the answers.

  4. Smruthy p nair Avatar
    Smruthy p nair

    Kindly give the answers..

  5. sagar Avatar

    please provide us with the answers

  6. Nouhan Avatar


  7. manav Avatar

    ans plz

  8. Kristeen Cherpin Avatar
    Kristeen Cherpin

    Can you possibly send me the questions and answers as I am planning a car rally (scavenger hunt by car) and would appreciate the help with planning?

  9. Dumb Avatar

    I got 0 of 0


  10. shruthi Avatar

    pls provide answers

  11. Travelling Chris Avatar
    Travelling Chris

    Fantastic quiz; I managed to get all 25, so I’m planning on feeling smug about it all weekend….

  12. Kathy Avatar

    I am holding a scavenger hunt for about 100 people and would appreciate your answers, if available. Good job!

  13. Utpal Jhalani Avatar
    Utpal Jhalani

    I want all the answers of this questions

  14. pete godber Avatar
    pete godber

    Good fun, have tried a few times, best we can do is 22 !!

  15. Becky Avatar

    I got 20. Where’s the answers?

  16. vishal Avatar

    Dear Sir, plz provide the answers of the questions

  17. sandy Avatar


    plz give me answers from above this questions

  18. KIRUTHIGA.N Avatar

    I want the answers for these puzzles.

  19. Mushgan Avatar

    Hey I only got 17 right.

  20. prateeka Avatar

    I need the answers Plzzzz….

    1. sonal Avatar

      What are the answers? Please mail, I really want to know.

  21. nida iftikhar Avatar
    nida iftikhar

    i want to play

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