You can base a treasure hunt on the back of a matchbox. Anywhere where there are distinguishing features of any kind, you can use them to create answers. Admittedly, we specify that any solutions should be based on untamperable objects – matchboxes are getting far and few between now and we all know the rules about playing with matches. To be absolutely clear – Don’t use matchboxes.
Base the hunt on your available resources
Each clue should be solvable out of sight of any other clues. This is especially true of the smaller venue. This information may help you decide how many clues you will use.
I don’t have long!
Roughly work out how long it will take to solve each clue, normally about five to ten minutes. Add on a bit for getting to the clue, then divide up the time you would like the whole thing to take by that figure. This will give you the quantity of clues to aim for. Traversing small areas obviously takes less time.
A Question of Complexity
If you have a small area, keep it relatively simple so you don’t have groups building up. Reserve the greater spaces for places of ponder.
You can have a treasure hunt in any space. If you are hosting one commercially, use professionals. www.treasurehuntdesign.com
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