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Treasure Hunt Riddles

Solve the Riddles and Find the Treasure

How to write your own treasure hunt or scavenger hunt riddles:

You can create some good clue based poetry as treasure hunt riddles with some simple rules.

Treasure Hunt Clue Ideas:

Click here for Some Clue Ideas or see if you can Solve These Puzzles.

This is how we come up with treasure hunt rhymes, how to fit them around clues, and some examples:

Direction Riddle:

What is the answer you are looking for, or what do you want the players to do – go to a location or find an object?

If we wanted our adventurers to go to the STAIRS then this is an easy word to rhyme with. Think of another word that rhymes with stairs. We’ll use CHAIRS. We can mould that into a question.

The key is the rhythm of the phrases and a missing word that clearly rhymes with the second line.

Go through the place,
That hosts the chairs.
The prize is hidden,
On the…?????

Difficulty Rhyming:

If you have a word that is impossible to rhyme with, place it in the middle of the sentence. Say there is something below an ORANGE:

The goody is hidden,
When found you will sing,
In a bowl on a table,
Beneath orange thing!

The key is to come up with the two linking rhyming words first, like SING and THING and then work back from there. Keep saying the rhyme back to yourself as you write it to make sure it scans nicely.

Hinting Riddles:

You can suggest what the hunters may be searching for by outlining what they are seeking. In this case, if we wanted to get people looking for a MIRROR we could make a treasure hunt riddle along these lines:

All shining and silver,
With a beautiful face,
You look into me,
And find this place.

Or if you wanted a treasure hunt clue for a TREE you could say:

With clothes of green,
And bark of a dog,
Search me for the goods,
I sleep like a log.

Take into account the abilities of the people attempting to solve your riddle. When you know the answer, it may seem a lot simpler to you than it is – try to make it a touch easier and if possible, test them out on an independent victim.

Alternatively, you may be looking for other clue ideas

Treasure Hunt Riddle Examples:


132 responses to “Treasure Hunt Riddles”

  1. Lisa Hoffman Avatar
    Lisa Hoffman

    I need an idea I am giving my daughters Justin Bieber tickets to his concert #purpose tour I want to make it exciting as this is their Christmas gift any ideas on clues or something so they have fun opening the gift rather than just giving them the tickets clues or something to make it exciting….

    1. Treasure Hunt Avatar
      Treasure Hunt

      Give the present more #purpose with a Treasure Hunt Clue for Concert Tickets

  2. Simone Avatar

    Hello, I’m looking for a clue/riddle that has the answer ICE CREAM or ICE CREAM PARLOR.

    Please Help!!

  3. sohel Avatar

    I plan to host a treasure hunt at a hotel/resort for my office colleagues. Any ideas how to go about it??

  4. dorothy green Avatar

    i would like a riddle to guess how many gum ball there are in a large glass jar.

  5. stephnie Avatar

    Hi…so many wondersful riddles are found here.
    I would love it..if you can help with my treasure hunt plan for my guy.I want difficult riddles for Gym, Best Friends house, Shopping mart, Lover’s residence.

  6. Jake Wales Avatar
    Jake Wales

    In desperate need of some good riddles for a treasure hunt at a summer school. The locations I plan to use are a forest, a sports hall, a dining room and a bbq area. Big thanks if you can get back to me

  7. Paul Avatar

    Hi I’m hosting a top-chef like treasure hunt. Well it’s not really a treasure hunt but in order for them to guess the ingredients of the recipe they’ll be assigned I thought I’d make a few riddles for each ingredient.
    Linguine Pasta
    Heavy Cream
    Black pepper
    Parmesan Cheese
    Large peeled Shrimp
    any help is appreciated 😀

    1. Treasure Hunt Avatar
      Treasure Hunt

      For an event like this we would advise sealing the ingredients in boxes and hiding them, then giving clues as to their location.
      That way, they can cook with what they manage to successfully forage.

      You can then either do riddles for where you hide them, or make a simple treasure map.

      Good luck!

      1. jANET Avatar

        We are doing a treasure hunt downtown and wanted riddles to go to a bar for happy hour as the last stop, a riddle for a stop at the baseball stadium, a riddle to go to the museum. thanks !

  8. Bharat Salecha Avatar
    Bharat Salecha

    Hello, i want some riddles for an upcoming event for college of age 18+ but the riddles should be surrounded by the places like canteen, library, parking,computer lab and lift. Please help me out

  9. Holly Avatar

    Hi, for my husbands 30th im surprising him with a trip to New York (a month after his bday) wanting to buys 29 other silly gifts with riddles in between but want a good one for the new York? Any ideas?

    1. Treasure Hunt Avatar
      Treasure Hunt

      A clue for NEW YORK:
      This is an apple that’s big
      With bagels that are even bigger
      The jungle where dreams are made of
      It’s somewhere you’re going to love

  10. Flamingo Avatar

    I’m making a ‘Who Stole the Tarts?’ Treasure Hunt for an Alice in Wonderland themed 18th birthday garden tea party, struggling to come up with themed clues linking to things in a garden, any help much appreciated!

    1. Treasure Hunt Avatar
      Treasure Hunt

      Cut out 12 parts of the Cheshire cat – eyes/smiles/ears, and just using the Hearts, stick a playing card to each bit and the game is to try to work out which one is missing.

      The first person to get the answer right gets a pack of cards.
      The remaining card is in the pack with the instructions written on of where the treasure is hidden.

  11. Heather Avatar

    I am planning a scavenger hunt for my workplace and I was looking for riddles to find the following

  12. Vipul Avatar

    I need atleast 15 clues for I am conducting treasure hunt event in my college.These clues will be hidding within the campus.I need clues for computer lab,Parking,Canteen,Library etc.

  13. Mandy Avatar

    Can u help me with clues for :
    Mail box
    Water hose
    Flower bed
    Chicken cage

  14. Melissa Avatar

    I need riddles for Refrigerator, Kitchen Table, Pillow, and Clothes Dryer. Thanks!

  15. SHASHANK Avatar

    need clue for temple,guard room,civil department,ATM

  16. Priyanka Tandale Avatar
    Priyanka Tandale

    Hi,i need riddles and rhymes for my college festival..the participants will b all doctors and medical students..since i m studying in medical college..so can u please helpme..n give me clues for laboratories of pathology and microbiology,or hospital wards of medicine or surgery,or any other things in the hospital,and also on the anatomy,physio,biochem dept or any books

  17. zubin fernandes Avatar
    zubin fernandes

    i need a clue that would bring people to the parking lot and another on for the pool

  18. Nivedita Avatar

    I want to gift my husband a leather jacket so need a treasure hunt

  19. nikki Avatar

    I am hosting a scavenger hunt and need riddles that the answers contain an item that is red, is it possible for you to help me with that?

  20. anzar Avatar

    i want some clues to conduct treasurehunt based on electronics
    Will you give me some clues based on electronics

  21. geethu Avatar

    hey give me a clue to reach hydraulics lab.

  22. Khan Avatar

    Can you please give some more clues for garden and ground.

  23. sj Avatar

    Hi I want a help for creating clues as I am keeping a treasure hunt for my boyfriend in a mall
    Treasure hunt clue for cafe coffee day
    Treasure hunt clue for gift shop
    Treasure hunt clue for PVR
    Treasure hunt clue for branded clothing shop
    Treasure hunt clue for clothing shop called people
    Treasure hunt clue for resturant called naughty
    Please give me ur reply… Thanks

  24. Insiya Mhowwala Avatar
    Insiya Mhowwala

    i m planning a birthday surprise for my friend and fr that i want treasure hunt clues on :-
    hostel mess
    desk drawer

  25. Kim Avatar

    I am planning a treasure hunt for my daughter’s sixteenth birthday party, in the orchard behind our garden

    So far, I have
    “Two of us, in plain sight
    One is old and one is new
    From the gate look to the right
    And on that one you’ll find the clue”

    This is very personalised as it is specifically for my orchard, but its for the new trailer. I was wondering if you could help me with a clue for the trampoline

  26. KV Avatar

    Hi there… I would love some help creating riddles/rhymes for Park, my Bus Terminal, our local newspaper “The Royal Gazette”, a Birdcage and a 24/7 Gas Station. Thanks!

    1. TreasureHuntMan Avatar

      This is a clue for a PARK.
      This is a clue for a BUS TERMINAL.
      The is a clue for The Royal Gazette.
      This is a clue for a BIRDCAGE.
      This is a clue for a GAS STATION.
      If you found this useful – please chuck a coin in the pot..

  27. arpita mhatre Avatar
    arpita mhatre

    want to plan a birthday surprise for my sister with treasure hunt so need clues for the the same

    1. TreasureHuntMan Avatar
  28. Jagravi Avatar

    I want some rhyming riddles as i am going to organize treasure hunt in college.The location which i want to include in treasure hunt are
    1)a reading room
    2)notice board
    3)Internet lab
    4)Parking area
    5)Reception area
    I want the riddles for the the same.

  29. Diksha Chaudhry Avatar
    Diksha Chaudhry

    Hey can you plz give me a riddle for treasure hunt last clue in physics lab

    1. TreasureHuntMan Avatar
  30. Taufiq Avatar

    I need atleast 30 clues for I am conducting treasure hunt event in my college.These clues will be hidding within the campus.I need clues for Civil Lab,Parking,Canteen,Library etc.

    1. TreasureHuntMan Avatar
  31. Kristen Avatar

    Hi I need clues for my mother’s Christmas present we got her Billy Joel concert tickets I’m thinking me and one should be something along the lines Billy Joel is the ***** man sending her to the piano… other than that I really have no idea I’m thinking and does not need to be Billy Joel nor music related as I don’t want to give it away

    1. TreasureHuntMan Avatar
  32. Deepa Avatar

    Hi i want riddles. I want to give treasure hunt to my fiancé and i want him to reach on terrace at 12 for jis surprize. I want to bdat he solves the clues. Bt i want some mind clues dat makes difficult for him to reach destination… First clue i want to give to a little boy so dat he can reach to kitchen… Den to his bedroom den to hi grandmother den to hi front door den terrace

    1. TreasureHuntMan Avatar
  33. Gabby Avatar

    I need a riddle that mean look under your pillow for my moms Christmas Day scavenger hunt!

    1. TreasureHuntMan Avatar

      Of all the moms, you are the best,
      Go to the place where you like to rest,
      In the wind the sheets will billow,
      You will find what you seek under your…

  34. matt Avatar

    Im trying to find riddle for the show Priscilla Queen of the Desert and also little clues I would place in the house to find the tickets in the christmas tree. Please are you able to help me?

    1. TreasureHuntMan Avatar

      The word PRISCILLA will give it away, so split it up into 3.
      My first is from primrose without any morse
      My middle is a scat who isn’t where it’s at
      My end is Godzilla in a faithless world

      Then here is a clue for a Christmas tree:
      He was born this day
      Much it does weigh
      Your wood will be pined
      For present to find

  35. Suzan Avatar

    Hi… I’m hosting a winter party for 5th graders in their classroom. I need two sets of 10 rhyming riddles that they must follow around the classroom to the final destination of a candy cane box. Objects around classroom are: teacher’s desk, sink, white board, book shelves, student desks & chairs, computer, ipad charging station. Please help!
    Thanks a bunch!

    1. TreasureHuntMan Avatar

      Get them to solve simple anagrams by placing some tubs visibly around the room, containing loose letters (i.e. F H L S E for shelf). Tell them to shake the tub when they’ve worked it out to muddle up the letters again.

  36. Vickie Avatar

    I need a riddle that is somewhat difficult for my 32 year old son. The answer to the riddle should be a Nook HD. This is his Christmas present and he always guesses what he has before he opens the gift. So, I would like to put the riddles in a box and have him solve them to get the gift. In fact, I would like a couple of riddles leading up to the final riddle in which the answer would be the Nook HD.

    1. TreasureHuntMan Avatar

      Get two small boxes smaller than the final thing and tell him it is an anagram. In the first, put the letters, from a game like Scrabble, for HOOK and the second ND. That should slow him down for a while!

  37. Bella and Bryce Avatar
    Bella and Bryce

    We need a riddle for a science lab and an office. Please help us and reply soon

  38. Ayanna Avatar

    I need a riddle or rhyme to invite my coworkers to play a “Baby Photo Guessing Game” and “Family feud” style game at our annual holiday party. pease help!!

    1. TreasureHuntMan Avatar

      This is an invite to the place
      Where you must guess the baby face
      And if you insist on being rude
      Then we must have a Family Feud!

  39. Ksg1982 Avatar

    That’s perfect! Thank you!:-)

  40. Ksg1982 Avatar

    Hi! Can you help me with a clue for email?

    1. TreasureHuntMan Avatar

      Not amail, bmail, cmail, dmail or fmail. Do not think out-box. When a ‘virtual’ man is a post but the other way around.

  41. jim Avatar

    that was a great idea…..thanx 🙂

  42. jim Avatar

    I’m organizing a treasure hunt competition for the juniors in our college aged 18-19 yrs…..please help me out with some ideas for the riddles.

    1. TreasureHuntMan Avatar

      To engage a clever bunch of young adults use the technology they have in their pockets – their phones… i.e. 5427279 would spell out LIBRARY or if they have QWERTY based smart phones use letters to the left of the real letter i.e. KUVELET is LIBRARY.

  43. Cinda Avatar

    My daughter is throwing a small end of the summer party with her friends and she wants to do a small scavenger hunt around the house and in the yard can you give my some ideas for rhyming riddles?

    1. TreasureHuntMan Avatar

      This is a border, marking the edge
      At the back of the house forming a ledge
      Look underneath and I promise and pledge
      A clue is hidden under the…

      The answer to this is HEDGE

      For clues in the house, take a look at our e-book: How To Make A Simple Treasure Hunt

  44. Somnath Avatar

    The goody is hidden,
    When found you will sing,
    In a bowl on a table,
    Beneath orange thing!

    what is the answer to this?

    1. TreasureHuntMan Avatar

      If you have a word that is impossible to rhyme with, place it in the middle of the sentence. Say there is something below an ORANGE…

  45. Heidi Avatar

    You are good! I am so excited to throw my sons party!! Thank you for all your treasure hunting clues! Much appreciated!

  46. Nino Avatar

    I am planning a treasure hunt for a friend. Need ideas for clues on:
    School canteen
    Ice cream parlour
    Clothing store
    a friend’s house

  47. Attaulah khan Avatar

    I need atleast 30 clues for I am conducting treasure hunt event in my college.These clues will be hidding within the campus.

    1. TreasureHuntMan Avatar

      Take a look at these Treasure Hunt Clue Ideas and make a couple in each of those styles.

  48. ruturaj Avatar

    i am planning for a treasure hunt competition for the kids ( age group 10-16) in my society . since they have started with summer vacation , i need your help can you give few ideas for a society with ( cars , bungalows , trees , benches , electric poles , etc.. )

    1. TreasureHuntMan Avatar

      If you have a long trail of clue locations and not much time, you can use anagrams.
      1. The next clue can be found on one of the Arcs (CARS)
      2. The next clue can be found around the back of the nearest A BLOW GUN (BUNGALOW)
      3. The next clue can be found on the Steers (TREES)
      And so on.
      Tell people taking part, if any clues go missing – you’ll know who it was as they will be the only ones to finish!

  49. Aneika Turnbull Avatar
    Aneika Turnbull

    I am planning a treasure hunt for the youth of my church. I need the clues to be fun but challenging so the teams will be competitive.Can u give me some more riddles please?

  50. Caymann Velingkar Avatar

    I wanted some rhyming riddle for treasure hunt in my school on summer camp so can u give me more riddles that can be played in school

    1. TreasureHuntMan Avatar

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